E-Commerce Brazil Meeting will happen in September, 30th, and will present the Brazilian scenario to American vendors and e-retailers that are interested in invest on the local market.
On September 30th, Chicago (IL) will host the first E-Commerce Brazil Meeting, an event to promote meetings among American and Brazilian companies, vendors and e-retailers, aiming to make business.
It is dedicated to e-commerce professionals and companies based in the USA that want a better understanding of the market in Brazil and to talk with the local business leaders. The event will be divided in two parts: first, a presentation of the scenario of Brazilian e-commerce market, followed by round table meetings for business.
E-Commerce Brazil Meeting – Chicago starts at 2:00pm (local time) with short presentations on the Brazilian e-commerce scenario. At 4:00 starts the round table meetings – the Brazilian companies will have exclusive tables to receive the Americans and discuss business and partnerships opportunities.
“The Brazilian e-commerce is booming and is envision profit of R$ 28bi for this year. Yet, has a large potential to be explored. E-Commerce Brazil Meeting is a great opportunity for those companies that don’t have a presence in the country to get to know the local scenario, that is very good for investments”, says Tiago Baeta, founder of E-Commerce Brasil.
The organization expects to have 150 attendees on the event, that happens prior to Shop.org Summit.
Registrations are free and detailed information can be seen at https://www.ecommercebrasil.com.br/e-commerce-brazil-international-meeting-chicago-usa/
E-Commerce Brazil Meeting
When: 09/30/2013
Time: 2:00pm – 6pm
Venue: Hilton Chicago Hotel – 720 S Michigan Avenue, Chicago, (IL) 60605
Registrations: https://www.ecommercebrasil.com.br/e-commerce-brazil-international-meeting-chicago-usa/
About E-Commerce Brasil:
Started in 2011, E-Commerce Brasil is an initiative that aims to promote and foster the local e-commerce market. Offered by iMasters Group, IBOPE e-commerce and Dev Buscapé Company, the project organizes events, technical conferences, training sessions, magazine, web site, webtv, amongst others. E-Commerce Brasil is sponsored by Accesstage, AD.Dialeto, Akatus, All in, Amazon Web Services, Certisign, Chaoric, ClearSale, Cobre Bem, Direct, Dotstore, eNext, ExactTarget, GPMídia, infracommerce, Jet e-Commerce, Kanlo, KPL Soluções, LeadMedia, Locaweb, MercadoLivre, Moip, MundiPagg, Neoassist, PayPal, Profite, Rakuten, ReAmp, Responsys, Sebrae, SHL Logística, Sieve, Site Blindado, Skalebla, SLI Systems, Splio, TrustSign, Uniconsult, Virtual Target, VTEX.